Our New Castle Office located at 318 Highland Avenue, New Castle, Pa 16101.
Family Law
Papa LLC will passionately fight for you in the following types of cases:
Corrections to Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, or Marriage Records
Assistance with Dual Citizenship Applications (particularly Italian, Croatian, Slovakian and European Union Dual Citizenship) regarding the correction of Pennsylvania Birth, Death and Marriage Records including obtaining “one and the same” declaratory court orders
Child Custody (National or International)
Child Support
Spousal Support
Paternity Challenge and Establishment
Grandparents Rights
Stepparents Rights
Marital Reconciliation
Family Business Incorporation
Family Business Succession Planning
Protection from Abuse
Powers of Attorney
Emergency Relief
Pre-Nuptial Agreements
Post-Nuptial Agreements
Name Changes
Estates and Trusts
Papa LLC will passionately guide you in the following matters:
Custom Estate Planning Documents (NOT Dangerous Boilerplate Forms)
Probate and Estate Administration
Last Wills and Testaments
Revocable Trusts
Irrevocable Trusts
Spendthrift Trusts
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Will Contest Litigation
Intestate Estate Litigation
Undue Influence Litigation
Medicaid Planning
Guardianships for Minor Children or Incapacitated Persons
Financial and Health Care Powers of Attorney
Living Wills and Advance Health Care Directives
Charitable Giving Planning
Life Insurance Planning
Veteran's Benefit Planning
Long Term Care Planning
Real Estate
Papa LLC will passionately guide you in the following matters:
Zoning Hearing Board Applications and Land Use Appeals
Muncipal and Local Government Law
Issues regarding the Municipalities Planning Code
Challenges to the Procedural or Substantive Validity of Zoning Ordinances and Zoning Maps
Zoning Challenges to the location of Unconventional Drilling, Hydraulic Fracturing, and other Industrial Uses
Issues Related to the Environmental Rights Amendment, Article 1, Section 27 of the Pa Constitution
Boundary Disputes
Foreclosure Defense
Writs of Execution for Money Judgment
Tax Assessment Appeals
Landlord and Tenant Disputes
Residential Leasing
Commercial Leasing
Nuisance Cases
Creation of Corporations and Limited Liability Companies to Hold Real Estate
Land Sales Contracts
Installment Sales Contracts
Lease/Purchase (Rent-to-Own) Contracts
Land Covenants and Property Restrictions
Actions to Quiet Title
Uniform Construction Code Issue
Small Business
Papa LLC will passionately guide you in the following matters:
Contract Negotiation
Selection of the Appropriate Corporate Entity
Formation of Limited Liability Companies, Limited Liability Partnerships, Restricted Profesional Companies, Limited Partnerships, S-Corporations, C-Corporations, and Non-Profit Corporations
Drafting Articles of Incorporation, Corporate By-Laws, Certificates of Organization, Operating Agreements, and Partnership Agreements
Drafting Buy-Sell Agreements, Asset Purchase Agreements, Merger Documents, and Stock Purchase Agreements to sell your business or buy an existing business
Obtaining Federal (section 501(c) 3) Tax Exemption for your Non-Profit Corporation
Drafting and Reviewing Business Contracts
Business Litigation
Partnership Issues
Unemployment Compensation Litigation
Employment Contracts
Employment Discrimination
Age Discrimination
Wage Collection
Emergency Relief and Injunctions
Collecting Money Owed through Judgment and Execution Proceedings
The Butler County Courthouse in Butler, Pennsylvania where we have many cases.
Rainy day after a successful hearing in Allegheny County